José Dias Neto

I realized that actually doing physics is much more enjoyable than just learning it. Maybe 'doing it' is the right way of learning.
(Gerd Binnig - Nobel Prize 1989)

October 9, 2024

Observing winds at the edge of the ITCZ

How well do we understand wind? Even though wind is an essential component in nearly every weather phenomenon, the representation of the small-scale process (e.g. surface drag, momentum transport, …) in atmospheric models remains uncertain. One way to tackle this problem is to increase the number of wind observations. From September 27 to October 3, I had the great opportunity to install a Vaisala 200s WindCube lidar from Delft University of Technology at the Barbados Cloud Observatory (managed by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology).

October 4, 2023

Directional bike lights

If you are a biker, you may have faced the challenge of indicating the direction you want to turn in poor light conditions. I had experienced this situation often while biking, especially during wintertime. Because of that, I decided to develop, from scratch, a set of directional lights for my own bicycle. To develop this project, I combined an Arduino micro, RGB-LED stripe and other electronic components. My main idea was to use the Arduino to read and interpret the signal sent from buttons mounted on the handlebar and control the RGB-LED stripe (e.

October 20, 2019

2nd Best talk at the Radar Conference in Japan

From the 16th to 20th of September 2019, I attended the 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorolog y in Nara (Japan). It is one of the largest conferences related to radar meteorology. This edition was th e largest one with 158 talks and 329 posters which covered a large variety of topics such as new radar te chnology, data quality control, data processing, cloud microphysics, and of observation of extreme convec tive systems.

July 4, 2016


In 2007 I bought my first camera (an Olympus E-volt 500). It was as very good investment. After that moment, I started to be in contact with the amazing world of photography and learn about it. Unfortunately, that camera broke. Currently, I’m using a Nikon D-5100 - which is as good as my first camera. Since I begun this new hobby I have been taking photos of different things. I believe that my best picture is that one below.

July 3, 2016

PIRATA Project 2013

In 2013, I had opportunity to participate on the scientific team of a PIRATA cruise aboard R/V OCEAN STALWART. Our main activity was to maintain nine oceanic buoys from that project. Between each buoy, we measured atmospheric and oceanic variables. The instruments used for those measurements were: atmospheric balloon soundings, expendable current profilers (XCP), and UnderwayCTDs. I performed some of this measurements using these sensors. The picture above shows the moment in which I’m disassembling the buoy somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean (more pictures).
